1,611 research outputs found

    Immunizing Conic Quadratic Optimization Problems Against Implementation Errors

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    We show that the robust counterpart of a convex quadratic constraint with ellipsoidal implementation error is equivalent to a system of conic quadratic constraints. To prove this result we first derive a sharper result for the S-lemma in case the two matrices involved can be simultaneously diagonalized. This extension of the S-lemma may also be useful for other purposes. We extend the result to the case in which the uncertainty region is the intersection of two convex quadratic inequalities. The robust counterpart for this case is also equivalent to a system of conic quadratic constraints. Results for convex conic quadratic constraints with implementation error are also given. We conclude with showing how the theory developed can be applied in robust linear optimization with jointly uncertain parameters and implementation errors, in sequential robust quadratic programming, in Taguchiā€™s robust approach, and in the adjustable robust counterpart.Conic Quadratic Program;hidden convexity;implementation error;robust optimization;simultaneous diagonalizability;S-lemma

    Hidden Convexity in Partially Separable Optimization

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    The paper identifies classes of nonconvex optimization problems whose convex relaxations have optimal solutions which at the same time are global optimal solutions of the original nonconvex problems. Such a hidden convexity property was so far limited to quadratically constrained quadratic problems with one or two constraints. We extend it here to problems with some partial separable structure. Among other things, the new hidden convexity results open up the possibility to solve multi-stage robust optimization problems using certain nonlinear decision rules.convex relaxation of nonconvex problems;hidden convexity;partially separable functions;robust optimization

    On the Power and Limitations of Affine Policies in Two-Stage Adaptive Optimization

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    We consider a two-stage adaptive linear optimization problem under right hand side uncertainty with a minā€“max objective and give a sharp characterization of the power and limitations of affine policies (where the second stage solution is an affine function of the right hand side uncertainty). In particular, we show that the worst-case cost of an optimal affine policy can be Omega(m12āˆ’) times the worst-case cost of an optimal fully-adaptable solution for any delta > 0, where m is the number of linear constraints. We also show that the worst-case cost of the best affine policy is O(m) times the optimal cost when the first-stage constraint matrix has non-negative coefficients. Moreover, if there are only k ā‰¤ m uncertain parameters, we generalize the performance bound for affine policies to O(k) , which is particularly useful if only a few parameters are uncertain. We also provide an O(k) -approximation algorithm for the general case without any restriction on the constraint matrix but the solution is not an affine function of the uncertain parameters. We also give a tight characterization of the conditions under which an affine policy is optimal for the above model. In particular, we show that if the uncertainty set, R+m is a simplex, then an affine policy is optimal. However, an affine policy is suboptimal even if is a convex combination of only (m + 3) extreme points (only two more extreme points than a simplex) and the worst-case cost of an optimal affine policy can be a factor (2 āˆ’ delta) worse than the worst-case cost of an optimal fully-adaptable solution for any delta > 0.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Grants DMI-0556106)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (EFRI-0735905

    Quantum Detection with Unknown States

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    We address the problem of distinguishing among a finite collection of quantum states, when the states are not entirely known. For completely specified states, necessary and sufficient conditions on a quantum measurement minimizing the probability of a detection error have been derived. In this work, we assume that each of the states in our collection is a mixture of a known state and an unknown state. We investigate two criteria for optimality. The first is minimization of the worst-case probability of a detection error. For the second we assume a probability distribution on the unknown states, and minimize of the expected probability of a detection error. We find that under both criteria, the optimal detectors are equivalent to the optimal detectors of an ``effective ensemble''. In the worst-case, the effective ensemble is comprised of the known states with altered prior probabilities, and in the average case it is made up of altered states with the original prior probabilities.Comment: Refereed version. Improved numerical examples and figures. A few typos fixe

    Lifts of convex sets and cone factorizations

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    In this paper we address the basic geometric question of when a given convex set is the image under a linear map of an affine slice of a given closed convex cone. Such a representation or 'lift' of the convex set is especially useful if the cone admits an efficient algorithm for linear optimization over its affine slices. We show that the existence of a lift of a convex set to a cone is equivalent to the existence of a factorization of an operator associated to the set and its polar via elements in the cone and its dual. This generalizes a theorem of Yannakakis that established a connection between polyhedral lifts of a polytope and nonnegative factorizations of its slack matrix. Symmetric lifts of convex sets can also be characterized similarly. When the cones live in a family, our results lead to the definition of the rank of a convex set with respect to this family. We present results about this rank in the context of cones of positive semidefinite matrices. Our methods provide new tools for understanding cone lifts of convex sets.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    On the existence of 0/1 polytopes with high semidefinite extension complexity

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    In Rothvo\ss{} it was shown that there exists a 0/1 polytope (a polytope whose vertices are in \{0,1\}^{n}) such that any higher-dimensional polytope projecting to it must have 2^{\Omega(n)} facets, i.e., its linear extension complexity is exponential. The question whether there exists a 0/1 polytope with high PSD extension complexity was left open. We answer this question in the affirmative by showing that there is a 0/1 polytope such that any spectrahedron projecting to it must be the intersection of a semidefinite cone of dimension~2^{\Omega(n)} and an affine space. Our proof relies on a new technique to rescale semidefinite factorizations

    Robust Solutions of Optimization Problems Affected by Uncertain Probabilities

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    In this paper we focus on robust linear optimization problems with uncertainty regions defined by Ćø-divergences (for example, chi-squared, Hellinger, Kullback-Leibler). We show how uncertainty regions based on Ćø-divergences arise in a natural way as confidence sets if the uncertain parameters contain elements of a probability vector. Such problems frequently occur in, for example, optimization problems in inventory control or finance that involve terms containing moments of random variables, expected utility, etc. We show that the robust counterpart of a linear optimization problem with Ćø-divergence uncertainty is tractable for most of the choices of Ćø typically considered in the literature. We extend the results to problems that are nonlinear in the optimization variables. Several applications, including an asset pricing example and a numerical multi-item newsvendor example, illustrate the relevance of the proposed approach.robust optimization;Ćø-divergence;goodness-of-fit statistics

    Maximin and maximal solutions for linear programming problems with possibilistic uncertainty

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    We consider linear programming problems with uncertain constraint coefficients described by intervals or, more generally, possi-bility distributions. The uncertainty is given a behavioral interpretation using coherent lower previsions from the theory of imprecise probabilities. We give a meaning to the linear programming problems by reformulating them as decision problems under such imprecise-probabilistic uncer-tainty. We provide expressions for and illustrations of the maximin and maximal solutions of these decision problems and present computational approaches for dealing with them

    Hidden Convexity in Partially Separable Optimization

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    The paper identifies classes of nonconvex optimization problems whose convex relaxations have optimal solutions which at the same time are global optimal solutions of the original nonconvex problems. Such a hidden convexity property was so far limited to quadratically constrained quadratic problems with one or two constraints. We extend it here to problems with some partial separable structure. Among other things, the new hidden convexity results open up the possibility to solve multi-stage robust optimization problems using certain nonlinear decision rules.

    Entropy, Optimization and Counting

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    In this paper we study the problem of computing max-entropy distributions over a discrete set of objects subject to observed marginals. Interest in such distributions arises due to their applicability in areas such as statistical physics, economics, biology, information theory, machine learning, combinatorics and, more recently, approximation algorithms. A key difficulty in computing max-entropy distributions has been to show that they have polynomially-sized descriptions. We show that such descriptions exist under general conditions. Subsequently, we show how algorithms for (approximately) counting the underlying discrete set can be translated into efficient algorithms to (approximately) compute max-entropy distributions. In the reverse direction, we show how access to algorithms that compute max-entropy distributions can be used to count, which establishes an equivalence between counting and computing max-entropy distributions
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